December 19, 2005

Christmas Songs by Wilson

9 pm - Bathtime. Mom and Boy.

"Mom, I want to sing my favorite Christmas song."
"What's your favorite song?"
"The one about the ducks."
"The Twelve Days of Christmas?"
"No." Frustration building for Boy, "The one about the ducks."
"How does it go?"
"Release all the ducks."
"There's not a Christmas song about ducks getting released."
More frustration - he has a dumb Mom and that would frustrate anyone. He sighs and starts singing:
"Release all the ducks. Release all the ducks. Release all the ducks. Expresso for fifty bucks."

I finally figure out what Christmas song this is (after a long, long time) and I decide to see if my family can figure it out. I call my Mom. I tell her Wilson's favorite Christmas song is "Release All the Ducks." Mom says "Oh, Feliz Navidad?"

Apparently being a dumb mom is not hereditary. Where was she while I was trying to figure out that song for a half hour?!


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