A Children's Book You Should Buy

I'm going to do a plug for a children's book. I have been reading my fair share of children's books for the last several years. That makes me a mommy with a reading degree. A pseudo-expert.
Children's books are the hardest to author (and do a good job). You know what makes a good children's book? Artwork and a good moral that kids hear from moms, dads, teachers - but it really sinks in when they see it in a book they like. Something else I've learned is that very few children's books are authored and illustrated by the same person. It's hard to write for children because you can't fool them. It's harder to illustrate for children - because they study artwork and know if it's bad. You know what else makes a great children's book? An action figure.
I have found the book that meets all above criteria. It will be available in time for Christmas. Little Bunny Kung-Fu. The book is written and illustrated by Regan Johnson. Even though it's not on shelves yet you can order one by going into Barnes and Noble and giving the ISBN - 0976941783. Actually, with that number you can order it from anyone, but B&N is my favorite because once a pre-ordered book hits their warehouse they ship it to your local store. Like book fast food. And - there's an action figure coming - a plush rabbit you can pose. How great is that?!
The book is "a story about learning respect for those around you. By seeing how one bunny's actions effect his neighbors, we realize that in life, what goes around, comes around."
On a personal note, I know the author. Regan is very talented. Very, very talented. I have seen how much work she puts into her craft and I know this book would be a welcomed

This is Regan's first book but I've seen her to-do list and I assure you this will not be her last. Toys break and kids eventually outgrow them - this Christmas give the kids you're buying for a gift they will not outgrow or get tired of in three weeks (it happens, I promise) go out and buy the book, Little Bunny Kung Fu by Regan Johnson. It doesn't require some assembly, it will not make loud noises, it does not have flashing lights, and it takes up little space. Plus you're investing in the foundation of education. Books make the best gifts. :)
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