July 23, 2005

It's a...

Just kidding, we won't find out until September - but it got you all interested didn't it?

Thursday night Chris and I took Wilson out to see The Fantastic 4. Before the movie we grabbed dinner at the Farmer's Market across the street from the theater. The Farmer's Market sits on the end of the Carswell Joint Reserve Base runway. So as you're eating you will be in what seems like the direct path of jets and large cargo plans landing and taking off. It's cool, especially to watch Wilson as he sees and hears them. On the other hand, if someone overshoots or undershoots that runway... well, I just figure they know what they are doing and I don't think about it.

Friday we all headed out with our friends Karen and Maria to watch the Fort Worth Cats play baseball. The Cats are in the Central Baseball League so it's not professional baseball in that these guys aren't making any real money - which is why I don't mind going to watch. Of course, I don't hesitate to go to Cardinals games in St. Louis but I'm NOT going to go watch our local professional baseball team. The Cats are at least fun to watch and I doubt any of them are currently fighting charges of assaulting photographers. If you'd like to check out the Cats' website go to www.fwcats.com. The game was fun - there were what we have termed "the 3 1/2's" where Wilson has a "moment", but we figure it's just hard being 3 1/2 and to top it off there's the looming of a sibling on the horizon and poor Wilson just doesn't know what to expect from that. Pray for him - it's hard being 3. :) In all he's an angel and a really good kid. We're thankful for that.

Today we ran around doing our errands - bookstore, Target, lunch at Steak 'n Shake, pet store, and the public library. We were on our way to get library cards but we were told the computer system was down and we will have to go back next week to get cards. Wilson was disappointed - we had already explained the library has tons of books and he can read and read and read. He didn't want to leave empty handed. Poor kid. Tonight we watched "Red River" with John Wayne. The two boys were only interested in the movie until the cattle train left Texas, then they lost interest. Goofs.


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